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The Plaza, the heart of Santa Fe since its founding in 1610, is the starting point for North & South walkabouts.
Amazing  galleries, southwestern shops, hotels, museums, and dining experiences await virtual and physical visitors.

Self-guided 3d Walking tour of Santa Fe Plaza
Self-guided 3d Walking tour of Downtown Santa Fe North

Santa Fe North starts with a tour of the plaza and surrounding businesses. Visitors "walk" east or west along Palace Avenue or north along Lincoln or Washington all the way out to Paseo de Peralta.

When visitors click on the "Floorpan" or "Dollhouse" icon at the bottom left they see an overview of the entire walkabout. They then select an area or tag to see it close-up from the sidewalk level.  They can "pop into" businesses by clicking on the tag.

Santa Fe South also starts from the entire Plaza.

Visitors stroll east or west along San Francisco then to Cathedral Place, Old Santa Fe Trail, Don Gaspar, Galiesteo and down to Water & Alameda streets.

When visitors click on the "Floorpan" or "Dollhouse" icon at the bottom left they see an overview of the entire walkabout. They then select an area or tag to see it close-up from the sidewalk level. They can "pop into" businesses by clicking on the tag.


Self-guided 3d Walking tour of Downtown Santa Fe South
Self-guided 3d Walking tour of Canyon Road in Santa Fe NM

This Walkabout celebrates Santa Fe's famed 3/4 mile strip of galleries that help make Santa Fe one of the two top destination cities for art in the United States.

At any point, a virtual visitor can pop into a participating gallery to be bedazzled by an amazing art walkthrough of current exhibitions and be enticed to visit in person or purchase works online.

Deep community involvement led to creating a master plan in 2004 for redeveloping a blighted railyard into a multi-dimensional site for galleries, museums, entertainment, shops & dining.

Visitors virtually walk around the space and through tagged businesses, and purchase their products online. 



Self-guided 3d Walking tour of Santa Fe's Railyard North District
Self-guided 3d Walking tour of Baca Street Railyard District

Tree lined Railfan St. takes you into Baca Railyard District’s community of live-work, light industrial, galleries, retail, and cafes designed to encourage walking and blend with the surrounding community.  

The 3/4 mile Acequia Trail connects the district by foot and bike to the North Railyard District's park, galleries, museums, retail, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

Railyard Park Walkabout

Perhaps the premier park in Santa Fe, the Railyard Park hosts outdoor public entertainment events, community gatherings, Site Santa Fe Museum, small picnic areas, a children’s play area and shaded walks.  

A walking and bike trail connect the Southern end of the park to the Baca Railyard District.

Self-guided 3d Walking tour of the Railyard Park
Self-guided 3d Walking tour of Santa Fe Plaza in Winter

Santa Fe Plaza 
on a Winter Night

Santa Fe's central plaza becomes a winter wonderland as holiday lights sparkle in the trees and reflect off a recent snow.


Take a stroll around and through the plaza to experience the feeling—without the cold—of the lights dancing all around you.

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